

Created by Ron Z

Patriotika is part time goddess, part time college student, full time hero! Athena bonds with a human girl to give earth a chance!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Great news! We passed one stretch goal and are almost at the next one!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 11:58:42 AM

The Ryan Kincaid stretch goal is unlocked and we are almost at the Chuck Pires one! Thanks everyone!  Everyone that pledged for a physical book or higher gets the Patriotika trading card with art by Ryan and all the previous stretch goal rewards! at 13k we get the Chuck Pires sticker! And we still have the Red Hot and Iron Patriotika covers which are moving fast!  Pick them up before they are gone by adding to your pledge and sending me a message. And we got some beautiful fan art from Tony Amato:

Art by Tony Amato
Art by Tony Amato


New Limited Edition Add Ons - Metal and Chrome covers!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 11:56:08 PM

Hey everyone, we are in the last 6 days of the campaign!  I wanted to add something that commemorates the red white and blue. We've seen the blue - now here is the red and the white, in chromium and metal cover, both limited edition, only 25 of each!

The Red Hot Patriotika Chromium Variant, a chromium cover of the Kickstarter book with Patriotika wearing the brown vest and gloves:


For the Red Hot Patriotika cover add $50 to your pledge of a physical copy of the book or higher(+$7 for US shipping or + 21 for international shipping)

Make sure to send me a message if you do add this.

The White Hot Iron Patriotika Metal Variant, a METAL cover of the Kickstarter book with Patriotika wearing the black suit, this is the only metal cover and the only cover with the black suit:


For the Iron Patriotika cover add $75 to your pledge of a physical copy of the book or higher(+$7 for US shipping or + 21 for international shipping)

Make sure to send me a message if you do add this.

These will be signed by Ron Z and numbered.

Or you can add both for $100 (+$7 for US shipping or + $21 for international shipping)

Again there are both limited edition, only 25 of each, get them before they run out!

Sketch art update!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 08:35:38 PM

Hey guys, I just got an update from Sorah Suhng who is working on the bikini back page  for the Patriotika Kickstarter edition of the book! Here is a rough sketch and I will post updates of this art as I receive them:

Rough Sketch
Rough Sketch

I also have a bikini variant of Chuck Pires art now for the 13k stretch goal!

As the backers of this first book, you guys will be able to help me shape not only Patriotika but also Mount Olympus Comics more so than anyone else - I will be doing polls and asking for your opinions on stuff before anyone else gets to see any of it in backer only posts after the kickstarter ends. You will get advanced sneak peeks and much more. Thanks everyone and please continue to share the kickstarter link:

The 11k stretch goal unlocked and now more digital art and a Marat Mychaels cover!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 04:59:51 AM

Hey everyone, we just passed 11k! Thank you all!!! Everyone that pledged or pledges a physical copy of the book or higher will get a 6x9 print of Patriotika by Marat Mychaels and cell phone wall paper of this art!

I will be adding a new pledge tier for digital fans, that will include the original lineart by Antipus - and everyone that pledged for a physical copy of the book or higher automatically gets the new upgraded digital copy!  And an upgrade for "The Custom Book" pledge tier - now you can choose either Jeff West or...Marat Mychaels for your custom book!  So this means you can have your own custom Patriotika #1 cover with 100 copies of that cover designed by you and drawn by Marat Mychaels!  These will be numbered too!

At 12k we get a trading card with Patriotika art by Ryan Kincaid!  And we also get another photo from the AZ Powergirl Cara Nicole photo shoot as Patriotika!

Please continue to share the Patriotika Kickstarter link:

Here is an example of Marat Mychael's art:

Marat Mychaels art example
Marat Mychaels art example


10k Unlocked, San Diego Comic Con and half way to 11k!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 10:34:48 PM

Hi everyone, we just passed 10k and and are moving to 11k!! Thanks everyone!!! That means everyone with the kickstarter book pledge or chromium book or higher gets back page artwork on their book by the amazing Sorah Suhng and colors by Eddy Swan!  I'll update as soon as I get a preview of the work in progress from Sorah.  And we are well on our way to Marat Mychaels stretch goal reward, a 6x9 print of Patriotika drawn by him for all physical book "The Book" or higher pledges! And everyone that pledged including the digital reward backers will receive a cellphone wall paper of this print!  I met up with Marat yesterday at San Diego Comic Con to discuss an additional surprise at his stretch goal too(photo below)!  More info once it is unlocked. And I met with other artists and potential new artists to involve with the Patriotika kickstarter! I'll be posting updates from comic con on the Mount Olympus Comics facebook.